"A butterfly goes wherever it pleases, and pleases wherever it goes."

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Another Foggy Day

For most of this week the weather has made it difficult to look for butterflies. Thick fog, like pea soup, covers most of our area for 90% of the days. It rains every day, but usually for a short time, making the forest trails too slippery to travel on. Instead we take trips into local villages or walk to waterfalls.

I have been taking many photos of the dogs of Tam Dao. It is difficult for me to understand which ones are for food and which are pets.

I am not sure if I have seen a house without a dog hanging around the front. Dogs are everywhere--they bark at you, and follow you for a few feet, but none attack or growl.

I do not believe most are treated like what we call a "pet." They seem fed enough, and relatively healthy, but most will not come up to me for petting, even when I call them. There are fewer cats around, and all but "my buddy" in the internet cafe run from me as soon as I look at them. I am sad to say that the Vietnamese do eat cat, too. However, the people of Tam Dao are, for the most part, very poor and thin--I have not seen one overweight person here.

Vietnam is a very safe place. I can pretty much travel anywhere I want without fear of being mugged or bothered in any way. The people here work very hard and take care of one another.

Today's quiz also provides a prize to the first two people who answer all three questions correctly:

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.

Take care! I miss all of you and can't wait to return, but I am having fun here!


Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China Laos Cambodia

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China Laos Cambodia

May 17, 2007 8:37 AM

daniel O.

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. Laos, Cambodia, and China

By Mikey

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.China, Cambodia, Laos

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? invertebrates, because they don't have a backbone

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charles M. Russell

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.
Cambodia, Thailand, Myamar
2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?
vertebrates, they have a back bone
3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.

Anonymous said...

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.

Charles Russel


Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.China,COMBODIA,Loas

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?invertebrates

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.

Anonymous said...

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charlie Russell

daniel O.

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.
Cambodia, Thailand, Myamar
2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?
invertebrates, they have a back bone
3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charls Russel

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China,Laos,and Cambodia.

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? vertebrates because butterflies have back bones

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.Charlie Russell


Anonymous said...

. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China, Cambodia, and Laos

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? Yes, because they have to bend down, and they would fall if they didn't. They are vertebrates.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly. Charlie Russell.

Anonymous said...

List the three coutries that Vietnam borders.You must spell them correctiy. China Laos
by bryson

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. Laos, Cambodia, and China

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? invertebrates because they don't have a backbone

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly. Charlie Russell

By Mikey

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.
Cambodia, Thailand, Myamar
2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?
invertebrates, they have a back bone
3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charls Russell

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China Laos Cambodia

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? invertabrates

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charlie Russell

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China Laos Cambodia

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? invertabrates

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charlie Russell

Daniel O.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China Laos Cambodia

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? invertabrates Because they don't have a back bone

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charlie Russell

Daniel O.

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.China, Laos, Cambodia.

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?Invertebrates because they have no back boone.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.Russel.

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.Laos, cambodia, and china.

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?invertebrates. because they dont have a backbone.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly. Charles M. Russel


Anonymous said...

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charles M.Rusell

Anonymous said...

. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.China, Laos, Cambodia.

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?Invertebrates because they have no back boone.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.Russel.


Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China, Loas, and Cambodia.

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? Vertebrates becouse invertebes areTINY.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly. Charles Russell.


Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.China,Cambodia,Loas

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?vertebrates becaose they are small

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.Charles Russell


Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China,Cambodian,Laus

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? Verdabrates beacause they have back bones.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charles M.Russell

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.
China, laos, and Cambodia

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China,Cambodian,Laus

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? Verdabrates beacause they have back bones.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charles M.Russell


Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.China,Cambodia,Loas

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?invertebrates becaose they have no back bone

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.Charles Russell


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China, Loas, and Cambodia.

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? They are invertebrates cause they have no back bone 3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly. Charles Russell.


Anonymous said...

List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China, Luce, and Cambotea

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? invertebrates beacuse they come out in the day.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charels Russel


Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China, Loas, Cambodia

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?
Invertebtbrates becauyse the have back bone
3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charlos Russel
Take care! I miss all

Anonymous said...

. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly. China, Loas, Cambodia

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?
Invertebtbrates becauyse the have back bone
3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charlos Russel
Take care! I miss all

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.China,Laos,Cambodia

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?vertebrates beacuse they don't have their bones on the out side.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.Charls M. Russell


Anonymous said...

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why? They are invertebrates because they have a backbone

Anonymous said...

Rachel I am changing on of my answers so here it is

are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?
Invertebrates beacause they make crisalites insted of cooccons.


Anonymous said...

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charles M. Russell

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.
Cambodia, Laos, China

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?
Invertabrates, because they have no backbone.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charles M. Russel

Anonymous said...

2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates?why?
they are invertebrates because
they do not have a backbone

Anonymous said...

1. List the three countries that Vietnam borders. You must spell them correctly.


2. Are butterflies invertebrates or vertebrates? Why?
invertebrates because they have no back bone.

3. What is the name of the artist in Montana whose studio you will visit on our trip next week? You must spell his name correctly.
Charles Russell

Anonymous said...

the thing above is mine Elizabeth

Three Teachers--Jeff, Rachel and Beth

Three Teachers--Jeff, Rachel and Beth

Red and Yellow

Red and Yellow
This one is beautiful and also quite common

Rare Green Butterfly

Rare Green Butterfly
This one is drinking water from a waterfall we hiked to

Tam Dao Classroom

Tam Dao Classroom
Yes, this is an actual classroom being used

Rachel at a Classroom Teacher's Desk in Tam Dao Primary and Secondary School

Rachel at a Classroom Teacher's Desk in Tam Dao Primary and Secondary School
Yes, this is an actual teacher desk

Tam Dao was once a summer retreat for wealthy French families when France occupied Vietnam

Tam Dao was once a summer retreat for wealthy French families when France occupied Vietnam
This is what's left of one French villa--there were over 400 here at one time, but were destroyed by the Vietnamese people in the 1950s

Hanoi Time
