As you know I’m in Vietnam to help keep track of (to monitor) the butterfly population in Tam Dao National Park. I’m going to tell you a bit about my days here, and then there’s a quiz. The first person (this includes students and their family members) to post all the correct answers to this quiz will receive a special present from Vietnam.
6:30 am: wake up, shower, get dressed, tidy up room
7:30 am: breakfast of hard boiled 2 duck eggs and a baguette (this is a small loaf of French bread), tea or coffee
9:30 am: Walk a transect. My reading students might remember that a transect is an area of land that is marked on a chart. In each transect there are regions—usually 9. We walk the transect very slowly and look for butterflies. Mostly we see these white butterflies that have black spots. They are very common here and in the United States. We call them cabbage butterflies because they eat cabbage plants. I bet you’ve seen them around!
1:30 pm: Lunch. Lunch is a large meal in Vietnam, much larger than breakfast and about the same size as dinner. There are two of us who do not eat meat so luckily there are lots of things for us to eat, which include boiled cabbage, chayote, eggplant, and French Fries. They do not seem to have drinks of any sort with their meals—no water, pop, or milk (actually I have not seen any milk since I’ve been in Vietnam).
2:30 pm: walk a different transect.
5:00 pm: rest (sometimes I sleep, sometimes I read—I have been reading The Thief Lord in preparation for book club).
6:30: dinner. Many different dishes, always rice is served second to last (not with the meal). Fruit (like bananas, mangoes or a wonderful fruit called dragon fruit) is served at the very end. This is our only dessert. No cookies, cakes, or ice cream.
7:30: walk to computer/internet café and wait, wait, wait for pages to load. Sometimes it takes me two hours to post one passage like this one. No joke!
10:30 pm: read and bedtime.
For the quiz: I have posted photos of four butterflies and moths. To win a prize, look carefully at each photo and tell me if it is a photo of a butterfly or a moth. I will give you a hint: there is at least one of each, and here is a reminder of the differences between the two: moths are usually fuzzier, when they land they usually lay their wings flat, and they have straight antennas. Butterflies usually (not always) have clubbed antenna, when they land they hold their wings up above their bodies, and they usually (but not always) fly during the day while moths usually (but again not always) fly during the night. Be sure to label your answers like this: A. Moth B. Butterfly C. Moth (all of these answers are made up).
"A butterfly goes wherever it pleases, and pleases wherever it goes."
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
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Three Teachers--Jeff, Rachel and Beth

Red and Yellow

This one is beautiful and also quite common
Rare Green Butterfly

This one is drinking water from a waterfall we hiked to
Tam Dao Classroom

Yes, this is an actual classroom being used
Rachel at a Classroom Teacher's Desk in Tam Dao Primary and Secondary School

Yes, this is an actual teacher desk
Tam Dao was once a summer retreat for wealthy French families when France occupied Vietnam

This is what's left of one French villa--there were over 400 here at one time, but were destroyed by the Vietnamese people in the 1950s
Hanoi Time
Hanoi |
A. butterfly
B. moth
C. moth
d. butterfly
By Mikey
A. butterfly
B. moth
C. butterfly
D. moth
By Mikey
Picture D is a moth and picture C is a butterfly. I can't believe it Can take you so long to write one paragraph! Are computers in Vietnam slower than the ones here? Please Answer me in your next blog.Is life a lot different in Vietnam? I hope you are having lots of fun. What is your main job?
A. moth
B. moth
C. butterfly
D. butterfly
1. Do you think that there are fewer behavior problems in Vietnamese schools than compared to United States schools, because of how teachers can punish students? Explain your answer.
Yes! I think that there is not very many behavior problems. Because the kids get hit, pinched, and get striked.
2. In United States public schools, poor children can get free or cheaper school lunches. The taxes your parents pay help pay for this program. But in Vietnam poor kids go home for lunch. Which system do you think is better? Do you think it is fair that the taxes your parents have to pay go toward paying for poor kids’ lunches? Explain your answer.
I think everybody should get free lunches or cheap lunches. I wouldn’t want to walk all the way home just to eat lunch. And I bet the people in Vietnam would rather not walk home then getting a free lunch or a cheap lunch also.
3. In the United States, schooling is free until grade 12, when you hopefully graduate and get your high school diploma. What if we had a system like Vietnam’s, where only up until grade 9 is it free. How would this change our world? How would things be different in the United States? Explain your answer.
I can’t wait to read what you write. Today I had duck eggs for breakfast
We would be more rich. The school would not have a lot of money. And the schools would not be as good.
A Butterfly
B Moth
C Butterfly
D Moth
Sorry I put two but I forgot to put A and B in the posts.
1. Do you think that there are fewer behavior problems in Vietnamese schools than compared to United States schools, because of how teachers can punish students? Explain your answer.
Yes! I think that there is not very many behavior problems. Because the kids get hit, pinched, and get striked.
2. In United States public schools, poor children can get free or cheaper school lunches. The taxes your parents pay help pay for this program. But in Vietnam poor kids go home for lunch. Which system do you think is better? Do you think it is fair that the taxes your parents have to pay go toward paying for poor kids’ lunches? Explain your answer.
I think everybody should get free lunches or cheap lunches. I wouldn’t want to walk all the way home just to eat lunch. And I bet the people in Vietnam would rather not walk home then getting a free lunch or a cheap lunch also.
3. In the United States, schooling is free until grade 12, when you hopefully graduate and get your high school diploma. What if we had a system like Vietnam’s, where only up until grade 9 is it free. How would this change our world? How would things be different in the United States? Explain your answer.
I can’t wait to read what you write. Today I had duck eggs for breakfast
We would be more rich. The school would not have a lot of money. And the schools would not be as good.
It took you that long to post.
by cody
i can not belive it took you two hours to just fill out one paragraph do you have a car you travel in?
A. butterfly
B. moth
C. butterfly
D. butterfly
Daniel O.
Forget about the first blog and count the my second blog
By Mikey
What do you travel in like a__________?
I think it is interesting how butterflys fly at night. It was really hard to identify moths and butterflys. I like all the detail on the butterflys. The moths could easily be mixed up with the butterflys.
Daniel O.
I feel bad for you because for dessert you only eat friut and not cookies and all of the good food here
I really think it is amazing. The wing patterns is so different from all the other butterflies. It was really hard to identify the moths and butterflies. the butterflies easily get mixed up with the moths.
Wow! i'm suprised of the classroom dirrerence. I mean, that classroom has a chalkboard and ours has a whiteboard. There's a huge difference.
How were the duck eggs? Ihope they were good.I didn't Know it took you 2 hours to right some of your blogs. Well I hope your having fun in Vietnam. Bye!
by Mikey
I can't believe it took you 2 hours to load the blogs sorry I did another anwser.
A. butterfly
B. moth
C. butterfly
D. butterfly
This is the one I want. Please use this one. If not it's only fair. I hope you are enjoying Vietnam. I feel bad for the chicken. You're shedule sounds like you do not have any spare time. Well, it's time to say good-bye! Good-bye!!!
I can't believe that it takes 2 hours to do just one blog!In Vietnam computers must be really slow!What do you do with the butterflies after you catch them?Do you let them go?It sounds like your having lots of fun in Vietnam.
By Kaitlin
I really think it is amazing. The wing patterns are so different from all the other butterflies. It was really hard to identify the moths and butterflies. the butterflies easily get mixed up with the moths.
I really like the picture cute little kittens I also have kittens like that
What is the diference between a cocone and crysyles? Do you like your friends? That is cool that they are all teachers!
A. butterfly
B. butterfly
C. moth
D. butterfly
by cade
A. butterfly
d. butterfly
I cant belive that it sometimes takes two hours to post a blog.
A. moth
B. butterfly
C. butterfly
D. butterfly
Hi Rachel-
how are you? How do you like Vietnam? Do you like the food and your job? I hope you are having fun!
can't wait too see you-
Rachel, how do you like Vietnam? what percent of Vietnam speaks english? I still miss you terribly!-Natalie****
A. moth
B. butterfly
D. moth
C. butterfly
by joseph
I miss you Rachel!!!
A. Butterfly
B. Butterfly
C. Moth
D. Butterfly
A. Butterfly
B. Butterfly
C. Moth
D. Butterfly
A. Butterfly
B. Moth
C. Moth
D. Butterfly
C. Moth
Wow! i'm suprised of the classroom dirrerence. I mean, that classroom has a chalkboard and ours has a whiteboard. There's a huge difference.Tahnks a lot for the pitures bye!
Wow! i'm suprised of the classroom dirrerence. I mean, that classroom has a chalkboard and ours has a whiteboard. There's a huge difference.Thanks a lot for the pitures bye!
I can not belive that it takes you two hours to make only one paragraph.I really want to no what duck eggs taste like? It really shocks me that there is no milk in Vietnam.I hope you are having a great time.
I really hope these are right. Of course, I didn't copy anyone elses' answers, but boy can these opinions vary! Although I read some, I didn't read all of them. Just in case, I'm going to tell you that your letters were in the wrong order. Yours went A,B,D,C, and my answers are for the letters, not the order they come in. In a clearer sense, where your D is, my C is, and my answer there is for C.
Robin wants me to write some more, something about something about something you did. From what you've written so far, it seems like duck eggs are a common food there. I don't think I could travel very far, because whenever I hear about what travelers eat when they go somewhere far away like Vietnam, I think, "Eww. I couldn't eat that." Speaking of Vietnamese food, what's chayote?
a butetrfly
b butterfly
c butterfly
d moth
I wonder if they have maids?Do you get to keep butterflys from there? what is a chayote? I did not know they had french fries there.
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