By the time you’re reading this I’ll either be on my first flight, to Portland, Oregon, or in Portland waiting to catch my next flight to San Francisco. From San Francisco I get on a Boeing 777 operated by Asiana Airlines and fly to Seoul (Asiana is a Korean company). This is a new plane with many high tech features. You can see some of them here:
Asiana Air
I like the television screens in the backs of the chairs!
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas!
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam?
I can’t wait to hear from you!
"A butterfly goes wherever it pleases, and pleases wherever it goes."
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
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Three Teachers--Jeff, Rachel and Beth

Red and Yellow

This one is beautiful and also quite common
Rare Green Butterfly

This one is drinking water from a waterfall we hiked to
Tam Dao Classroom

Yes, this is an actual classroom being used
Rachel at a Classroom Teacher's Desk in Tam Dao Primary and Secondary School

Yes, this is an actual teacher desk
Tam Dao was once a summer retreat for wealthy French families when France occupied Vietnam

This is what's left of one French villa--there were over 400 here at one time, but were destroyed by the Vietnamese people in the 1950s
Hanoi Time
Hanoi |
Hi Rachel!
Hope you're enjoying your flights!
If you don't already have a neck pillow you should buy one at the airport. Soduko puzzles can make time fly! With a little luck you will have an interesting person to chat with on your overseas flight - otherwise delve into a good book or puzzle. Relax, suspend any worries - and marvel at what an experience it is to be flying so high and so far!
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?
it was to australia a 16 hour flight there was tvs in the back of the seats like the plane your are on.
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas!See the puppet shows and make sure to bring bake some samples food and good inforemation about butterflys.
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam?do not wear short pants when you go to look at butterflys you know those leaches
hope to see you soon Drew
What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?
The longest flight I have ever been on is probly when my mom took me to Texes and since it was when I was small I dont remember how I stayed entertained.
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas!
You should make sure to take a tour aroud the city.
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam? What you should make sure not to do in Vitenam is to not have fun.
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?
The longest flight I've ever taken was when I went to Germany. I stayed intertained by Watching movies, playing games, reading, and Doing other fun things.
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas!
Have fun!
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam? You should make sure not to do is make sure you don't get bored.
1) The longest flight have ever been on was to Hawaii and I watched a movie, did a sudoko puzzle, read a magazine, and slept!
2) I think you should go do a couple things first of all go to ALL the temples (if you can!), go to the war bases and go in the underground tunnles, and last but not least drink the snake blood (tell me how it tastes!)!!!
3)Forget any of us!
I miss you already! Joy is very nice and a very good teacher, but I miss you! How was or is your flight??? Did you stay entertained!???
Please don't forget us!-
What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained? Answer: When I was 7 years old I went to India thats the longest flight I have been on, it took me about 1 and a half days.The things I did to entertian myself was I drew pictures,read books,and in my plane there was a t.v. so most of the time I watched movies! I would also recomend doing soduko.
What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas! Answer:
I really don't know but you should taste diffrent foods,and ride on one of the bycycle/car things!
What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam?
Again, I realy don't know but if I were you I wouldn't drink the snake blood!
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?
8 hour flight to Hawaii and i played my gameboy tell my bettery ran out then i would steal my sister's gameboy tell that ran out too.
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas! You should on the 12 dollar cruise.
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam? TRY NOT TO EAT ANY PUPPIES...
What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained? Answer: When I was 7 years old I went to India thats the longest flight I have been on, it took me about 1 and a half days.The things I did to entertian myself was I drew pictures,read books,and in my plane there was a t.v. so most of the time I watched movies! I would also recomend doing soduko.
What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas! Answer:
I really don't know but you should taste diffrent foods,and ride on one of the bycycle/car things!
What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam?
Again, I realy don't know but if I were you I wouldn't drink the snake blood!
-Shafeen I hope to see you soon!
May 10, 2007 1:24 PM
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?
My longest flight was going to Flordia but I keeped awake by wathing movies.
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas! Eat all the goods kinds of foods they have great deserts and find a lot of information about butterflies!
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam? To not get bored on the airplane and to not drink that snake drink
I will see you in Montana
I like the television screens in the backs of the chairs!
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?
6 hours i slept
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas! try the food
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam? eat dog meat
I can’t wait to hear from you!
By Joseph
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained? The longest flight I have ben on is to Hawiai.I stayed intertaned by playing my nintendo DS,read books,watched a movie on the plains projector screen, and listend to my I pod.
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas! go see some tempols and go on that cruze on that one movie.
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam?do not buy eny thing facke
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?
My longest flight was when I went to Florida. Istayed entertained by playing games, talking with my brother, answering questions on the Cadoo Trivia thing that was on the TV.
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas!
You should try some of the snake juice!
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam?
Don't eat anything you don't know about! -Natalie
Dear Rachel, I MISS YOU!!!!!!!-Natalie
Hi Rachel,
We miss you. I hope that you are safely in Viet Nam by now. The speaker phone is set up for your room, so go ahead and call us. Thursday was a bit chaotic because as the kids were lining up for art I found out that Linda was on a field trip and there was no art. GRRR. She forgot to tell us. We did house building and then Treasury Board for the whole morning. Joy is so easy to work with. I hope it is okay buty I gave her your password so she can record grades and check your email. I KNOW she won't read your private stuff. It's sunny and beautiful, and it's FRIDAY.
Take care,
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained? I have been on a plane for four and a half hours. How long was your ride? Mention it in Your next blog. I stayed entertained by knitting and hook-a-rugging. I fell asleep, too. I also talked to the lady next to me. I was going to Hawii with my family.
Question number 2: What should I make sure to do while in Vietnam? Give me some ideas! I think You should explore the town and talk to new people. Who knows, maybe you will see fireworks or firecrackers or something.If I were you, I would also see if anyone else is staying in your hotel. You might see someone you know!
Question number 3: What should I make sure not to do while in Vietnam? I think that you shouldn't go on huge quests like the people in that movie that took a bike trip around Vietnam. You don't have THAT much time. I hope you have lots of fun and meet a bunch of nice new people. tell us about the people you meet!
-Sienna T.
Question number 1: What is the longest flight you’ve ever been on? How did you stay entertained?the longest flight I have ever been on was abot 4:00 and I played on my Ipod and sleept. I hope you have fun.
My longest flight was from Seattle to London. I think it took 12 hours. I forget what I did. Probably read a book and tried to sleep and watched the movie.
In Vietnam, you should email home as much as possible. I think we need to set up a chat too. Other than that, have fun checking out the life there and the butterflies in the jungle.
What you shouldn't do is forget who loves you most--and I'm not talking Ouisa. Maybe Tobias, but mostly you know who!
hi rachel hope your having fun just hope to see you soon in montana
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